Retreat Feedback

How Was Your Experience?

You can fill out the survey in text form here: or if you'd like you can create a recording (audio or video) responding to the questions and upload it here in the form below the questions!

*Any of the ratings are with 1 being the lowest (dissatisfaction) and 5 being the highest (fulfilled)

  1. Overall, how would you rate the Rising Son Retreat?
  2. What are the obstacles that almost prevented you from signing up and coming to the Rising Son Retreat?
  3. What convinced you to come to retreat anyway?
  4. Would you ever attend one of our events again?
  5. What topics or themes would you be interested in learning about for future events?
  6. What could we have improved on to make this event better?
  7. What did we get right?
  8. How challenging was the retreat? Was is too much, not enough or just right?
  9. Would you be likely to recommend it to someone you care about?
  10. What amount of money would this retreat be worth to you?
  11. What do you think would help YOU keep momentum moving forward after the retreat?
  12. In one word, the retreat was…
  13. How was our communication with you about the event + activities?
  14. Thoughts on communication?
  15. How were our presentations?
  16. Thoughts on presentations?
  17. How was your experience with the cold water immersion (Wim Hof) activity on Pain day?
  18. Thoughts on Cold Water Immersion?
  19. How was your experience with the Stage (Round 1)?
  20. Thoughts on the stage (round 1) activity?
  21. How was your experience with Rappelling?
  22. Thoughts on Rappelling?
  23. How was your experience with the night-time breathwork activity on Pain day?
  24. Thoughts on the night-time breathwork...?
  25. How was your experience with the "Surrender" activity on the mountain top Saturday?
  26. Thoughts on "Surrender" activity?
  27. How was your experience with the Calf Wrasslin?
  28. Thoughts on Calf Wrasslin' activity?
  29. How was your experience with the stage the 2nd time?
  30. Thoughts on the Stage (2nd time) activity?
  31. How was your experience with the "My Light / Broken Sphere" activity?
  32. Thoughts on "My Light / Broken Sphere" activity?
  33. How was your experience with Sunrise on the 3rd day?
  34. Thoughts on Sunrise?
  35. Any last thoughts that you'd like to share with us?

Upload Your Survey Responses

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Upload Your Video Or Audio File*
The file goes to our Rising Son Google Drive. It is secure and only staff members will have access to it.
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