2024 Rising Son Retreat Pass


This year’s men’s retreat is going to be on September 19th-22th, 2024. Come join us for a “life-changing” experience.

13 in stock

The focus of the Rising Son Retreat is all about connecting our hearts to God, Self and Others. This is a 3 day / 3 night event with the intention of exposing the best, most wild, and wonderful parts of who you are as a man made in God's image. It's been designed around the Hero's Journey and will push you to your limit (in a real growth kind of way). We've put together a few powerful experiential activities that will be immersive and revealing of who you are and who you are meant to become. You are going to be challenged while connecting deeply to your heart. There will be growth, pain, joy, laughter, and an abundance unique and awe-inspiring experiences. 

You honestly don't want to miss out on this.

"I just really appreciate all of the work everyone put into this, especially Tyler and Brannon, but also Chase, Rhiannon and Linda. I honestly feel so blessed and grateful to have the resources we do with Love Strong. I feel like you guys are a huge reason we were inspired to come to Cache Valley. You both really have a gift and I just appreciate so much your willingness to share that so openly. And thanks for making it such a comfortable and accepting atmosphere... Also your mom is awesome! Haha!"

Joey J.

2018 Alaska