Made in the image of god
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Get A Sense Of The Energy At Our Events
*We Do Have Some BIG Events We Excluded Intentionally Haha
A Men's Retreat Designed To Recalibrate Your Life
This is event will expose the best, most wild, and wonderful parts of who you are as a man made in God's image. We've put together some powerful experiences that will be immersive and revealing of the good that makes up who you are now and who you are meant to become. You are going to be challenged while connecting deeply to your heart.
*You don't have to jump around on rocks unless you really want to.
In one word, the conference was...
+ Real Answers from 2021 Attendees

30 Men | 30 Passes
Get yours NOW
3 DAYS | Sept 19-22, 2024 | Garden City, utah
Rising Son REtreat Pass
$ 2000.00
What's Included:
- Housing Your own bed at an incredible house overlooking Bear Lake (bunk style)
- Meals We've got amazing staff catering the entire event with delicious food
- Airport Shuttle If you're flying into SLC airport and arrive before 4 pm the day Rising Son starts, we've got a passenger van ready to haul you and your stuff up to Bear Lake. No need for carpooling or a rental car.
- Transportation During the event, we've got you covered. Hop in, we'll drive.
- Programming We've developed some stellar sequencing and presentations to help you make positive changes.
- Experience This will most likely be unlike anything you've ever done (unless you're returning for round 2)
- Connection You're going to meet 30+ incredible men ready to work and connect in a real way. They'll prove you're not alone.
Commit. Everyone We've Talked To Says Its Worth It, haha!
Real Feedback From Real Men who actually attended Our Past Events
Your Rising Son Guides
Some brothers trying to make a difference in the world one heart at a time... Starting with yours.