Made in the image of god

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Get A Sense Of The Energy At Our Events

*We Do Have Some BIG Events We Excluded Intentionally Haha

A Men's Retreat Designed To Recalibrate Your Life

This is event will expose the best, most wild, and wonderful parts of who you are as a man made in God's image. We've put together some powerful experiences that will be immersive and revealing of the good that makes up who you are now and who you are meant to become. You are going to be challenged while connecting deeply to your heart.

*You don't have to jump around on rocks unless you really want to.

In one word, the conference was...


+ Real Answers from 2021 Attendees


  • Higher-Level Recovery
  • Real Connection
  • God's Love
  • Deep Brotherhood
  • Powerful Experiences
  • Imperfect and Wonderful
  • Unforgettable Moments
  • challenging and Unique
  • Gut Busting Laughter
  • Dehydrating Sob Sessions
  • Mind Blowing Beauty
  • Stepping Into Your True Identity
  • you Won't See What's Coming Next
  • And You Won't Want To Leave
  • You'll probably come back next year


  • Relapse Check-in
  • Comfortable
  • Fake
  • Boring
  • Predictable
  • a lot of sitting
  • a lot More sitting
  • Still Some More Sitting
  • Garbage

30 Men | 30 Passes

Get yours NOW

3 DAYS | Sept 19-22, 2024 | Garden City, utah

Rising Son REtreat Pass

$ 2000.00

What's Included:

  • Housing Your own bed at an incredible house overlooking Bear Lake (bunk style)
  • Meals We've got amazing staff catering the entire event with delicious food
  • Airport Shuttle If you're flying into SLC airport and arrive before 4 pm the day Rising Son starts, we've got a passenger van ready to haul you and your stuff up to Bear Lake. No need for carpooling or a rental car.
  • Transportation During the event, we've got you covered. Hop in, we'll drive.
  • Programming We've developed some stellar sequencing and presentations to help you make positive changes. 
  • Experience This will most likely be unlike anything you've ever done (unless you're returning for round 2)
  • Connection You're going to meet 30+ incredible men ready to work and connect in a real way. They'll prove you're not alone.

Commit. Everyone We've Talked To Says Its Worth It, haha!

Real Feedback From Real Men who actually attended Our Past Events



2018 Alaska

"This event was life changing for me. I want each of you to know that. LIFE CHANGING!"


2018 Bear Lake

"Great job! Changed my life for the best and reaffirmed past feelings. Plus made me be ok and love me. As a man, husband, father, gamer, what I enjoy, etc. It makes me want to be more who I am in each of those to be the best I can be and put off examples of being a real man in each of those areas is possible without needing to be a societal norm. :)"


2018 Bear Lake

"It was uplifting and motivating!"


2018 Alaska

"I liked the sense of connection and that we got right down to being vulnerable and getting to the heart of the matter. I liked being paired with a variety of people to get to know more people. I enjoyed the physical activities to help me learn with more hands on things."


2018 Alaska
"Great opportunities for connection and vulnerability."


2018 Alaska

"I loved the focus on connecting with God and with our inner child. For me the only time I can truly remember living life with passion and with joy was when I was a child so reflecting on and taking time to remember the experience of being a child was really helpfully in helping find purpose. I loved sharing my experience as it helps me remember what it's all about and it's awesome to see people have moments of clarity that can possible be a source of them shifting the way life occurs to them. Overall I really enjoyed the experience and love what you guys are doing!"


2017 Bear Lake

"It was well organized and the information presented was thought out and meaningful. It was an emotional event and felt great to be there."


2017 Bear Lake

"The information presented and the presentations of it were great. The food was delicious and there was plenty of it."


2017 Bear Lake

"It allowed me to dig into what is truly meaningful to me in my life."


2018 Bear Lake

 "You guy are just so awesome! I love the Patrick brothers!"


2018 Alaska
"Brotherhood, the huge emotional response it gave to me that I wasn't expecting, helping me continue to love who I am, building my relationship with God/Christ, knowing I can still be me and have my own passions, hobbies, and interests yet they can be respected even If there were men there who had different interests. Lastly I never expected to huge process it was going to force me to go through that I needed and couldn't see without it...environment was great, food, sunrise experience, cinder blocks, and just bonding. Sweet!"


2018 Alaska
"I LOVED hearing about others stories and it even prompted me to want to share my own. That was may favorite part of the experience."


2018 Alaska
"I really liked how well organized it was, the location and the program."


2018 Alaska



2018 Alaska

 "I just really appreciate all of the work everyone put into this, especially Tyler and Brannon, but also Chase, Rhiannon and Linda. I honestly feel so blessed and grateful to have the resources we do with Love Strong. I feel like you guys are a huge reason we were inspired to come to Cache Valley. You both really have a gift and I just appreciate so much your willingness to share that so openly. And thanks for making it such a comfortable and accepting atmosphere... Also your mom is awesome! Haha!"


2018 Bear Lake

"Wish it could have been longer, but had a really great experience."


2018 Alaska

"The team building activities were really good, the feedback about what type of mask you wear, the forcing us to tell the group what we learned about a person we didn’t already know, the talks the therapists gave about the masculine heart (Tyler on us being made in Gods image and Gods nature, esp. him being Wild and the poems he recited were excellent elements), getting out and hiking."


2018 Alaska

"I really enjoyed it! I learned a lot about myself and my partner."


2018 Bear Lake

"It was very well organized. Tyler and Brannon were flexible and able to adapt to different situations based on group needs/weather, etc. Plenty of good food. Loved the sunrise event and the workshops were very useful. I liked the analogy of our relationship being like a boat and learning the three things that a relationship’s integrity consists of. Chase did a great job with the visual aspects. I appreciated that a notebook was provided. Also the complimentary earplugs were a nice (and useful) touch ;)"

"This event was life changing for me. I want each of you to know that. LIFE CHANGING!"


Your Rising Son Guides

Some brothers trying to make a difference in the world one heart at a time... Starting with yours.

Tyler Patrick


This dude would be a hermit living deep in the mountains were it not for his family and commitment to serve God. He's learned some pretty dang ways on how to live right. He's actively engaged in the work of reclaiming hearts for good.

Brannon Patrick


A schemer and dreamer, Brannon is a powerful motivating force for good. He'll get you to commit to doing good and get it done. He's helped plenty of people in his own therapy practice and podcasts do the same. 



The only guy who knows what organization means, haha. Chase is a creative genius trying to pack meaning into moments including every moment going into this retreat. He's passionate about learning and lifting himself and others through the Grace of God. 

Contact Details

Contact us with any specific questions

Garden City, Utah

  (435) 227-5272